Results for 'D. Arnoult Malcolm'

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  1.  22
    Transfer of predifferentiation training in simple and multiple shape discrimination.Malcolm D. Arnoult - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (6):401.
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    Effects of simulated helicopter cabin noise on intelligibility and annoyance.Malcolm D. Arnoult, James W. Voorhees & Lynne G. Gilfillan - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (2):115-117.
    Helicopter cabin noise was simulated by combining a broadband signal (pink noise, or PN) with a triad of pure tones (PT) at 650,1900, and 5000 Hz. Each component was presented at four loudness levels (0,60,70, and 80 dB[A]), with all 16 combinations arranged in two unsystematic orders. Intelligibility was measured by means of sentences to be judged as true or false. A male speaker presented 10 sentences at each noise condition. One group of subjects heard the sentences at 50 dB(A) (...)
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    Familiarity and recognition of nonsense shapes.D. Arnoult Malcolm - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (4):269.
  4.  27
    Pattern matching in the presence of visual noise.Malcolm D. Arnoult & Charles W. Price - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (4):372.
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    Shape discrimination as a function of the angular orientation of the stimuli.Malcolm D. Arnoult - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (5):323.
  6.  28
    Intermodal transfer in a paired-associates learning task.Gary L. Holmgren, Malcolm D. Arnoult & Winton H. Manning - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (2):254.
  7.  14
    Interference produced by modified Stroop stimuli.David A. McCown & Malcolm D. Arnoult - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (1):5-7.
  8. Consciousness and Causality.D. M. Armstrong & Norman Malcolm - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):341-344.
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  9.  29
    CRISPR/Cas9: A new tool for the study and control of helminth parasites.Xiaofeng Du, Donald P. McManus, Juliet D. French, Malcolm K. Jones & Hong You - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (1):2000185.
    Recent reports of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in parasitic helminths open up new avenues for research on these dangerous pathogens. However, the complex morphology and life cycles inherent to these parasites present obstacles for the efficient application of CRISPR/Cas9‐targeted mutagenesis. This is especially true with the trematode flukes where only modest levels of gene mutation efficiency have been achieved. Current major challenges in the application of CRISPR/Cas9 for study of parasitic worms thus lie in enhancing gene mutation efficiency and overcoming issues (...)
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    Lost in the Mall with Mesmer and Wundt: Demarcations and Demonstrations in the Psychologies.Katie Macmillan, Steven D. Brown & Malcolm Ashmore - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (1):76-110.
    This article analyzes the demarcations made within psychology as a feature of the “memory wars”—the current controversy around “recovered” or “false” memory. As it is played out inside professional psychology, the dispute features clinical practitioners acting largely as proponents of recovered memory and experimentalists as proponents of false memory. Tracing a genealogy of this dispute back to a pair of original sites, we show how the traditions’engagement in three modes of scientific demonstration varies systematically in terms of the modes of (...)
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  11.  16
    Whitehead and Philosophy of Education: The Seamless Coat of Learning.Malcolm D. Evans (ed.) - 1998 - Rodopi.
    That process philosophy can be the foundation of the theory and practice of educating human beings is the main argument of this book. The process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) is the particular thinking on which this book is based. Readers are shown that Whitehead's process philosophy provides a frame, a conceptual matrix, that addresses their concerns about education and offers direction for their educative acts. Whitehead theorized that all living entities are connected in some way. Relatedness, connectedness, and (...)
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  12.  93
    Sallust.D. A. Malcolm - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (02):136-.
  13.  17
    Early Old Babylonian Documents.Malcolm J. A. Horsnell & Stephen D. Simmons - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):194.
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  14. Bhāvaviveka and the early mādhyamika theories of language.Malcolm D. Eckel - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (3):323-337.
  15.  28
    Differential eyelid conditioning as a function of stimulus similarity and strength of response to the CS.Malcolm D. Gynther - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (6):408.
  16.  39
    Horace Odes iii. 4.D. A. Malcolm - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (3-4):242-244.
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  17.  40
    Conversation and the Jehovah’s Witness Dying From Blood Loss.D. Malcolm Shaner & Jateen Prema - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):253-261.
    Religious belief can complicate the usual management of seriously ill patients when the patient is a Jehovah’s Witness and the treatment is a blood transfusion. This narrative highlights critical points in a discussion of two cases wherein the process to promote an exercise of free will also becomes an exercise for the ethics consultant and healthcare team. Despite a medical care program’s carefully considered additions to an electronic healthcare record, additional conversation, investigation, preparation, and an open mind are required. Helping (...)
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  18.  62
    Sallust's Jugurtha - A. D. Leeman: Aufbau und Absicht von Sallusts Bellum Jugurthinum. (Med. der K. Ned. Akad. van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde, N.R., Deel 20, No. 8.) Pp. 33. Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Mij., 1957. Paper, fl. 2. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (02):140-142.
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    A. Kurfess: Appendix Sallustiana. Fasc. 1: Epistulae ad Caesarem. Editio quinta aucta emendata. Pp. xii + 28. Leipzig: Teubner, 1959. Paper, DM. 2.50. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (02):167-.
  20.  37
    Geological Tensions in an Idyllic Field.James A. Secord, Malcolm Howells, Gary D. Couples & David Oldroyd - 2004 - Metascience 13 (1):1-27.
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    Nicola Crintti: Bibliografia Catilinaria. (Pubblicazioni dell'Università Cattolica del S. Cuore.) Pp. 84. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1971. Paper, L.3,000.D. A. Malcolm - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (1):154-154.
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  22.  64
    Erik Wistrand: Sallust on Judicial Murders in Rome. (Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia, xxiv.) Pp. 88. Gothenburg: Elander, 1968. Paper, Kr. 10.D. A. Malcolm - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (1):102-102.
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  23.  25
    Process, Teaching, Learning.Malcolm D. Evans - 2005 - Process Studies 34 (2):171-177.
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  24.  51
    Quo Usque Tandem …?D. A. Malcolm - 1979 - Classical Quarterly 29 (01):219-.
    If any words are unmistakably Ciceronian, these are. Every schoolboy knew them. Generations of Latin prose composers have trotted them out with unassailable confidence. It seems almost indelicate to suggest that they are not Ciceronian at all; but it would solve the problem presented by Sallust Cat. 20.9 if this were the case. Sallust's placing of the hallowed words in the mouth of Catiline has always been something of a scandal, to be laughed off , or played down.
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  25. Reviews and replies.Lynn Stephens, Norman Malcolm, D. M. Armstrong, Jonathan E. Adler, Nathan Stemmer & Steven C. Hayes - 1987 - Behaviorism 15:77.
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  26. Western Philosophy.Malcolm Seymour, Trevor Green, Audrey Healy, J. D. G. Evans, Richard Cross, James Ladyman, Katherine J. Morris, W. J. Mander, Christine Battersby, A. W. Moore, Robert Stern, Christopher Hookway, Bob Carruthers, Gary Russell, Dennis Hedlund, Alex Ridgway, Alexander Fyfe, Paul Farrer & Trevor Nichols (eds.) - 2006 - Kultur.
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  27.  55
    Oton Muhr: Die Präposition per bei Sallust. (Dissertation der Universit t Graz, 7.) Pp. iv+132. Vienna: Notring, 1971. Paper, ö.S.75.D. A. Malcolm - 1975 - The Classical Review 25 (1):150-150.
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  28.  99
    (1 other version)Sallust's Jugurtha.D. A. Malcolm - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (3-4):242-.
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  29.  82
    The Catiline.D. A. Malcolm - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (01):41-.
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  30.  34
    A Short History of Japan.E. H. S. & Malcolm D. Kennedy - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):207.
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  31.  14
    A Different Three Rs for Education: Reason, Relationality, Rhythm.George Allan & Malcolm D. Evans (eds.) - 2006 - Hill & Wang.
    This book of twelve essays applies the holistic theories of process philosophy to the educational challenges that teachers face in today's complexly changing world. Topics range from staff development to spirituality, exploring issues of student and teacher motivation, developmental stages of learning, imaginative thinking and writing, nourishing relationships, moral and environmental education, and the development of hospitable learning environments.
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  32. Alberto José Vaccaro: La numeración latina: aspectos y problemas. Pp. 67. La Plata: Instituto de Filología, Universidad Nacional, 1969. Paper, $2. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (1):127-127.
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    Small Tacitus - T. A. Dorey (ed.): Tacitus. (Studies in Latin Literature and its Influence.) Pp. xii + 180. London: Routledge, 1969. Cloth, £1.75. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (01):46-50.
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  34.  58
    Healing Without Waging War: Beyond Military Metaphors in Medicine and HIV Cure Research.Jing-Bao Nie, Adam Gilbertson, Malcolm de Roubaix, Ciara Staunton, Anton van Niekerk, Joseph D. Tucker & Stuart Rennie - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):3-11.
    Military metaphors are pervasive in biomedicine, including HIV research. Rooted in the mind set that regards pathogens as enemies to be defeated, terms such as “shock and kill” have become widely accepted idioms within HIV cure research. Such language and symbolism must be critically examined as they may be especially problematic when used to express scientific ideas within emerging health-related fields. In this article, philosophical analysis and an interdisciplinary literature review utilizing key texts from sociology, anthropology, history, and Chinese and (...)
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  35. How to Tell When Simpler, More Unified, or Less A d Hoc Theories Will Provide More Accurate Predictions.Malcolm R. Forster & Elliott Sober - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (1):1-35.
    Traditional analyses of the curve fitting problem maintain that the data do not indicate what form the fitted curve should take. Rather, this issue is said to be settled by prior probabilities, by simplicity, or by a background theory. In this paper, we describe a result due to Akaike [1973], which shows how the data can underwrite an inference concerning the curve's form based on an estimate of how predictively accurate it will be. We argue that this approach throws light (...)
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  36.  46
    Innate powers, concepts and knowledge: A critique of D. W. Hamlyn's account of concept possession.Malcolm Jones - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 15 (1):139–145.
    Malcolm Jones; Innate Powers, Concepts and Knowledge: a critique of D. W. Hamlyn's account of concept possession, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 15.
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  37. Aristotle's Politics: Critical Essays.Jonathan Barnes, John M. Cooper, Dorothea Frede, Stephen Taylor Holmes, David Keyt, Fred D. Miller, Josiah Ober, Stephen G. Salkever, Malcolm Schofield & Jeremy Waldron - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Aristotle's Politics is widely recognized as one of the classics of the history of political philosophy, and like every other such masterpiece, it is a work about which there is deep division.
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  38. Formalizing planning and information search in naturalistic decision-making.L. Hunt, Nathaniel Daw, Paula Kaanders, Malcolm MacIver, U. Mugan, Emmanuel Procyk, A. D. Redish, E. Russo, Jacqueline Scholl, K. Stachenfeld & Others - 2021 - Nature Neuroscience 24 (8):1051–64.
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  39.  30
    A.D. 69.Malcolm A. R. Colledge - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (02):226-.
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    D. J. Conacher: Aeschylus' Oresteia: a Literary Commentary. Pp. ix + 229. University of Toronto Press, 1987. $40.Malcolm Davies - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (2):393-394.
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    Short notices.A. C. F. Beales, H. M. Knox, J. Hucker, Malcolm Skilbeck, M. F. Cleugh, D. A. Wakeford, W. D. Halls, G. H. Bantock & J. McGibcon - 1971 - British Journal of Educational Studies 19 (3):345-352.
  42. The critical and the skeptical methods in New Testament research.Malcolm Lowe - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (4):693-721.
    En faisant usage des intuitions de la philosophie de la science, l'étude compare les voies d'approches en recherche néotestamentaire et en philologie classique. La recherche néotestamentaire a mis en oeuvre une certaine méthode qui était en vogue en philologie classique durant le 19ème siècle, mais qui fut finalement rejetée par la plupart des philologues classiques. Il s'agit d'une méthode sceptique plutôt que critique, car elle rend toute prétention à la connaissance problématique ou même impossible. Son origine dernière se trouve dans (...)
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  43. William Whewell (1794-1866).Malcolm Forster - manuscript
    Whewell, William (b Lancaster, England, 24 May 1794; d Cambridge, England, 6 March 1866) Born the eldest son of a carpenter, William Whewell rose to become Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and a central figure in Victorian science. After attending the grammar school at Heversham in Westmorland, Whewell entered Trinity College, Cambridge and graduated Second Wrangler. He became a Fellow of the College in 1817, took his M.A. degree in 1819, and his D.D. degree in 1844.
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  44.  28
    The Old English Boethius: An Edition of the Old English Versions of Boethius's de Consolatione Philosophiae.Malcolm Godden, Susan Irvine & Rohini Jayatilaka - 2008 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Malcolm Godden, Susan Irvine, Mark Griffith & Rohini Jayatilaka.
    Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy, written in Latin around 525 A.D., was to become one of the most influential literary texts of the Middle Ages. The Old English prose translation and adaptation which was produced around 900 and claims to be by King Alfred was one of the earliest signs of its importance and use, and the subsequent rewriting of parts as verse show an interest in rivalling the literary shape of the Latin original. The many changes and additions have much (...)
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  45.  65
    Neural Correlates of Direct and Indirect Suppression of Autobiographical Memories.Saima Noreen, Akira R. O’Connor & Malcolm D. MacLeod - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Pseudo-Dionysius Art of Rhetoric 8-11: Figured Speech, Declamation, and Criticism.Malcolm Heath - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):81-105.
    This paper considers the date and authorship of chapters 8-11 of the Art of Rhetoric‚ falsely attributed to Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Analysis of the two chapters on "figured speech" suggests that chapter 9 is an unfinished attempt by the author of chapter 8 to rework the material into a more radical (but, in fact, conceptually flawed) refutation of those who rejected the concept. Distinctive common features indicate that chapters 10-11, on declamation and criticism, are by the same author. The texts (...)
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  47.  50
    Appendix Sallustiana. Fasc. 2: Invectivae. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (3):292-293.
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    C. Salustio Crispo, Catilina Y Jugurta. Vol. Ii: Guerra De Jugurta. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (1):84-84.
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    C. Sallusti Crispi Orationes Et Epistulae De Historiarum Libris Excerptae. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (1):84-85.
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  50.  40
    Virgile, Bucoliques: Index Verborum, Relevés Statistiques. [REVIEW]D. A. Malcolm - 1973 - The Classical Review 23 (1):92-92.
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